With residential developments from Grimsby to Gstaad and from Midlands to Mallorca, we create and build quality homes with distinctive designs to suit location and client requirements.
Our Care division sets out to support both local authority and NHS Trusts across the UK, to help with the critical problem of caring for an ever-increasing ageing population.
Our commitment to combining social good with long-term financial success, a project that supplies High Grade PSV aggregate used for road construction and surfacing.
The creation of long-term value is key to every aspect of business at the E5 Group. Under the direction of visionary founder and president Kevin Stevens, this is a group offering often radical solutions to economic and social issues – but always from a sound financial platform.
The E5 Group focus is on delivering premium assets thanks to a significant international track-record in the real estate investment and development sector. Built on significant experience, know-how and global economic connections, its success strategy is to create wealth and prosperity with purpose.
Businesses must be profitable if they are to be effective. To be effective they need to produce homes people want to live in, care facilities that fill a social need or a minerals extraction business that creates long-term opportunity for investors, employees and the community. That is, in a nutshell, E5 Living, E5 Care and E5 Minerals.
It’s the details which matter. Whether we’re planning, building, buying or selling, we pay close attention to detail. We find out what matters to our customers, investors and key stakeholders. And we focus our strategy and energy on doing the right things for them. It is this approach, which makes the E5 difference. No matter what business aspect a project is involved with, we are always focused on our core values.
The E5 Group offers an unrivalled opportunity for investors who want to combine an exciting commercial opportunity with the chance to make a real difference and bring social benefits to the wider community.
The devil is in the detail. Only from this can we get the broad overview. For as much as people tell me how good I am at seeing the big picture, I’ve always wanted to drill down, to know more and explore why. A complex problem requires detail to overcome it.
Kevin Stevens
President & Founder